Holly Birch Photography

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Champaign County Courthouse wrap-up for 2019

Can you believe that I photographed TWELVE courthouse weddings in 2019? That’s crazy to me! I started out the year hoping to do 5-6 and I doubled that! I’ll say it again — it’s one of the best, most rewarding ways to spend a lunch hour in Champaign-Urbana. Hands down!

With so many courthouse weddings, and have several bunched up together in the fall, I’m finally catching up on my blogging and posting some of my favorite images from each of those weddings. It truly is an honor to be asked to photograph a wedding, no matter how big or small. These courthouse weddings will always hold a special place in my heart, partially because my husband and I were also married there!

If you’re considering eloping and/or getting married at the courthouse, I’d love to chat with you and walk you through the ins and outs of the process. I’d be happy to field any of your questions too if you’ve already spoken to the County Clerk’s office or the Courthouse and feel like you still aren’t sure of some logistics. I know I like to be prepared as much as I can be!