Holly Birch Photography

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Friday Fives | Favorite Ring Shots

This post was HARD to do!! I’m sure I missed a couple of all-time favorite ring shots, but when I have hundreds of weddings to recollect, it’s easy to miss a few!! A couple of easy favorites came to mind first, and if you’ve followed me for very long, you know that color is my jam! So most of these images are boosted by loads of deep toned hues to really make the rings POP!

In my opinion, the key to a killer ring photo is GOOD LIGHT! Direct sunlight does not work as the flat top part of the diamond or gemstone will reflect and just look solid white. It’s better to have diffused natural light like through a window, doorway, or overhang. In fact, 4 of these 5 (if I’m remembering correctly), were all taken in one of those 3 scenarios. I also like to pull in key colors or elements of the wedding using the flowers, a bridesmaid’s dress, reception decor, or something along those lines. In the last photo you’ll see colorful fall leaves which I just grabbed from outside the church door. The extra little touch lent itself perfectly to that couple’s October wedding.

It’s also fun when the couple brings something specific for me to use for their ring photos, as was the case for the cover photo for this post — Casey and David got married at the courthouse and brought this special turtle sculpture that they had picked up on one of their travels. Colorful + meaningful = the perfect combo!!

1) Purple wedding flowers with baby’s breath creates depth in the image itself and especially the diamond! (window light)

2) The venue had these amazing logo plates that was just the right size to pair with the rings. (window light)

3) This couple had Lemondheads on each table for the guests and for a pop of color. I knew the vivid yellow would be an interesting background with the rings! (overhang light)

4) The bridesmaids wore this nice coral color, and one of them happened to be carrying a purse of the same color. I asked to borrow it, and propped the rings up on it out in the open on top of a concrete post. (overcast open light)

5) This fall wedding definitely called for some fall color so these fallen leaves were just the ticket. (overcast light near a slight overhang)