Pura Vida Pets branding session with Marla
I recently delivered Marla’s brand session photos for her business, Pura Vida Pets! Marla is based in Champaign and has a home kitchen and craft studio where she creates dog and cat toys, treats, and accessories. She sells directly to consumers, but also has her products widely available at various businesses across town. I was at Industrial Donut last week and saw some of her dog toys for sale there!
One of the best things about Marla’s toys are that many of them are made from upcycled materials she finds at places like the IDEA store in Urbana. And her dog and cat treats are all-natural and homemade with love.
Marla is pet mom to her own dog and cat who get to serve as taste and toy testers. What a cushy job! ;) Marla plans to use her images on her website, on social media, and in email newsletters. I can’t wait to see all the ways she incorporates them into her marketing this summer!