Sneha + Soutick | Courthouse wedding with friends

I’m coming at you again with another lovely courthouse wedding! Sneha + Soutick are both from India and so there was no way their families could be present for their wedding. In my opinion, this is the BEST reason to hire a photographer for your courthouse nuptials. I try to document in a way that lets you see all the details and emotions and feel like you were really there. The judges usually give me free reign to move wherever I need to in the courtroom, so I can capture the couple from all angles, especially as they are saying their vows to each other. That is probably my favorite part! I try to grab something new every time for a unique photo for each couple. We had a beautiful day too and one of my former courthouse couples was present as their guests so that was super fun to see them again as well!

Congrats Sneha + Soutick! I know you enjoyed the photos and I hope your family and friends loved them as well! <3


Nicole + Les | Wedding at Sylvia's Irish Inn Urbana


Tia of Pyxida | Brand Photography for Photographers