Sorry for the lack of 2008 posts!
I've taken advantage of the winter photography lull to book some more weddings and to search for houses! Hopefully before wedding season starts up in May, I will be moved into my new house and have all the painting/repairs done!
Here's a little of what I have been shooting though in the past 2 months...
I also shoot a little basketball occasionally when Scout's regular basketball photographer isn't available. So I got this cool shot of Chester Frazier:
free lion king 1 the
And this one of freshman Demetri McCamey:
And you know, the same ol' same ol', shooting MICHAEL JORDAN:
Yeah, you don't see that every day.
Here's a pic of me on the floor with UI PA announcer Mike Cation:
Mike's a good friend of mine, and I'm really happy that he got the job.
Lastly, hardly a week goes by that I don't shoot at least one pic of my adorable nephew, Nevan. He turned 6 months old on 1/31, so we made him a birthday cake and he got his first taste of frosting:
That's all for now! Thanks for looking!