Sydney+Steve E-Session | Arboretum Engagement Workshop
On Friday, the UIUC Photography Club at U of I hosted a workshop at the Arboretum on campus. I was invited to be the guest speaker and opted to do an engagement workshop since e-sessions are my favorite thing to shoot! There was a really good turnout (I'd say 30+ students?), most of whom brought along cameras and I invited them to shoot along beside/behind me. I started out with an introduction of my self and my business, followed by an introduction of our volunteer couple, Sydney and Steve. They were fantastic! I warned them ahead of time that there would be many cameras pointed at them, but they didn't flinch at all and were totally at ease with the whole process.
After the introductions, I talked a bit about my camera and the settings I use. Then we just started shooting and I explained my process (physical and mental) when working through an engagement session.
The student group was very attentive and asked a lot of really good questions. You guys made the experience so easy for me!
Doesn't Sydney just look gorgeous here? I love her eyes and the way the wind was blowing the hair off her face here. And we got a little engagement ring action!
And Steve's very handsome himself. He has the perfect serious look here!
I set up this shot and then let the students each take turns with it as well. It's one of those where you have to be in an exact spot to get the right shot:
They just look so happy! This is why I love photographing couples!
Thanks to the UIUC Photography Club and to Sydney+Steve for the great session and workshop! My one regret is that I forgot to get a group picture of everyone as I was talking!